Last Updated: January 5, 2022

Hello! We're delighted you're here. To ensure everyone gets along, our Community Guidelines outline what is and isn't allowed on Earbuds, so we can focus on what matters most: deepening connections through music sharing.

As we grow Earbuds into a community and release more social features, we’ll add to this document. Until then, we want to communicate a few expectations to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience.


We want Earbuds to be a magical place where people come together to share, discover, debate, discuss, and geek-out over music. Keep these principles in mind when you use Earbuds and all will be well!


<aside> ⚠️ By using Earbuds, you agree to terms laid out in this document, and our Earbuds Terms of Service, and acknowledge that there is no tolerance for objectionable content or abusive users.


If you see or hear something that breaks these rules, please fill out this form to report it to us immediately. We carefully review any reports against our policies and may take a number of steps, including issuing a warning, removing content, or potentially removing the offending account or channel altogether.

Here are a few immediately available options to protect yourself and others against bad actors:

If there is an issue with a specific message, long-press the message and tap  and we’ll review it right away.

If there is an issue with a specific message, long-press the message and tap Flag Message and we’ll review it right away.

If there is an issue with a specific user, long-press a message and tap and we’ll review it right away. You will no longer receive notifications from this user.

If there is an issue with a specific user, long-press a message and tap Mute Userand we’ll review it right away. You will no longer receive notifications from this user.

<aside> ⚠️ The following are not allowed and will result in immediate action:

Example consequences

The following are examples of potential actions Earbuds may take given a rule violation, listed in no particular order.